Etudiants à Surfer's Paradise

Impara l'inglese a Gold Coast con la scuola Langports

Un'esperienza linguistica incredibile in Australia

Il campus di Langports Gold Coast si trova nel centro di Surfers Paradise, a soli 500 metri dalla famosa Spiaggia di Surfers Paradise. Circondata da caffè e ristoranti alla moda, la scuola è anche vicina ai mezzi pubblici (bus e tram), facilitando gli spostamenti quotidiani degli studenti.
Attività e svaghi per tutti i gusti
Gli studenti possono approfittare delle numerose attività proposte dalla scuola, come il surf, i barbecue in spiaggia, le escursioni a Byron Bay o nelle riserve naturali. Possono anche partecipare al programma di volontariato locale o candidarsi per uno stage per arricchire la loro esperienza in Australia.

Un campus moderno e ben attrezzato

Langports Gold Coast dispone di 20 moderne e ben attrezzate aule, di una biblioteca, di un centro multimediale, di grandi schermi televisivi, di una cucina per gli studenti, di spazi per il relax e il gioco, di un balcone con barbecue e di un giardino esterno. Gli studenti possono anche usufruire di connessione Wi-Fi gratuita e della possibilità di noleggiare biciclette o tavole da surf.

Un team docente competente e attento

I docenti altamente qualificati e esperti della scuola utilizzano materiali unici per insegnare i loro programmi. Offrono un'assistenza personalizzata e un feedback settimanale sui progressi degli studenti nell'apprendimento dell'inglese.
Perché scegliere Langports Gold Coast?
• La sua posizione privilegiata a due passi dalla Spiaggia di Surfers Paradise
• La sua atmosfera accogliente e la miscela internazionale di studenti
• Le sue moderne strutture e gli spazi interni ed esterni per il relax
• La sua gamma di opzioni di alloggio, tra cui famiglie ospitanti e case per studenti
• Il suo supporto alla Fondazione Langports e il suo impegno per prezzi competitivi per gli studenti
• Il suo servizio gratuito di assistenza nella ricerca del lavoro

Vicino a Surfers Paradise

Gli studenti avranno l'opportunità di scoprire le attrazioni della Gold Coast, con i suoi ristoranti alla moda, i bar informali e le imperdibili attrazioni turistiche come Gold Coast Beach. Potranno anche godersi gli sport acquatici (surf, immersioni, beach volley, avvistamento delle balene) e altre attività culturali e di svago offerte dalla regione.
Non lasciatevi sfuggire questa opportunità unica di imparare l'inglese in un ambiente straordinario. Unitevi a Langports Gold Coast e vivete un'esperienza indimenticabile in Australia!


  • Minimum age : 16
  • Number of students per class : 13
  • Levels : beginner to high advanced
Holidays :
18-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 25-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 29-ago-2025, 6-ott-2025, 25-dic-2025, 26-dic-2025
Vacations :
From 29.12.25 to 02.01.26
  • Wifi
  • IALC
  • Favourite
  • 5 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Longue durée
  • IALC
  • Wifi
  • IALC
  • Favourite
  • 5 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Longue durée
  • IALC

Corsi offerti da Langports

English Part Time

From 425.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 18
Students max per class : 18 (14 avg)
Number of courses per week : 15 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : beginner to advanced
Start dates : 2-gen-2025, 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 28-gen-2025, more3-feb-2025, 10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 7-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, less

English Full Time

From 470.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 18 (14 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : beginner to advanced
Start dates : 2-gen-2025, 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 28-gen-2025, more3-feb-2025, 10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 7-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, less

Cambridge Flexi FCE

From 485.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (13 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : upper intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 2-gen-2025, 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 28-gen-2025, more3-feb-2025, 10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 7-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, less

Cambridge Flexi CAE

From 485.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (13 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : advanced to high advanced
Start dates : 2-gen-2025, 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 28-gen-2025, more3-feb-2025, 10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 7-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, less

Cambridge Closed Course FCE

From 495.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (14 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
Levels : upper intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,17-mar-2025,1-set-2025

Cambridge Closed Course CAE

From 495.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (14 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
Levels : advanced to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,17-mar-2025,1-set-2025

Cambridge Closed Course CPE

From 510.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 10 (6 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
Levels : high advanced to high advanced
Start dates : 17-mar-2025,1-set-2025


From 485.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 18 (14 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 10-feb-2025, 17-mar-2025, 21-apr-2025, 26-mag-2025, more30-giu-2025, 4-ago-2025, 8-set-2025, 13-ott-2025, 17-nov-2025, less


From 485.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 18 (14 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025,21-apr-2025,4-ago-2025,8-set-2025,17-nov-2025

1 surf class per week

From 55.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Number of courses per week : 1 lesson
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : beginner to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

3 surf classes per week

From 165.00 AUD / week
Minimum age : 16
Number of courses per week : 3 lessons
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : beginner to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 22-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less



- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 300.00 AUD / week

Homestay Under 18

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 425.00 AUD / week

Student House

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Single room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
From 420.00 AUD / week
Optional courses